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Algo Group

of Business Units

About Algo Group of Business Units:

We are experts in financial technology, experienced across a range of financial products, and have exceptional problem-solving and communication skills. Our senior team members have more than 15 years of experience of India as well as global markets. Our team is capable of delivering any specific/new technical requirements in financial market.

Our Business Units:


We are a provider of IT consulting and software development services. Having started as a small Delta Trading software product company, we switched to IT services in 2018, and ever since we have helped non-IT organizations in the financial market and software product companies improve business performance and quickly win new customers.


Talkdelta is a software used by more than 5000 traders & 90 brokers 
for options trading. Talkdelta RM is a risk management software used by brokers. Talkdelta Mobile APP is developed for daily traders to analyse the 
derivative market anytime, anywhere. We are working on Talkdelta Web which can be linked with any IBT trading platform to provide customised option analysis tools.


AALAP is a unit of Algo IQ Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. AALAP was established to help traders learn delta trading and different trading strategies to become a successful in stock market . AALAP has helped many option traders to become successful with the exclusive guidance of our expert who has more than 15 years of trading experience.

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Algo Premier

Insurance customers in India are facing for a tough situations from a long time. There is an absence of information on policies, straightforwardness is missing, mis-selling is uncontrolled, there is a high pass pace of protection strategies. To help clients understanding insurance policies and keeping complete transparency about the product/premium charges and benefits and communicating the same in simple way of

understanding we decided to start our own insurance business unit.And, in Feb 2021 Algo Premier was established.

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